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The hope for a Christmas release

It’s been just about over 200 days since I last saw my manhood without any metal around it. Our new keyholder has really been taking it seriously, so it was really a surprise when I got a message telling me that I could get unlocked for Christmas.

As a background to my previous post, about 200 days ago, my wife and I agreed to entrust her friend to being the new “owner” of my manhood. All my orgasms and sexual life are now in her hands. As PIV sex didn’t mean much to my wife, and my releases were not really adding to her pleasure, she had no problem handing over complete control to her friend. I knew my new keyholder would be strict, after all, that’s what we agreed on, I just didn’t expect her to be that strict. Despite that, I’m absolutely loving it. She sometimes teases me when we meet up, but I have never seen any intimate parts of her body, and she intends to keep it that way. After all, we are not dating or anything.

I believe her real incentive to keep me locked and obedient is financial gains. Not really a findom kind of person, but she does get a few hundred every month for her services, and my wife gets a good part of my pay check (which she uses responsibly to pay bills as well). Seeing that my keyholder is in charge of my releases, she can increase or reduce the requirements for me to get unlocked.

Up to this point, I haven’t got a specific task for a release, but I had hoped for at least one chance before the year ends. And finally, my keyholder gave in. I thought the task would be more exciting, like take her out for an expensive dinner or buy her something nice… instead, it was a payment in the thousands to her. For completing that, I’d get released before Christmas and could do whatever I wanted until somewhere in January when she would decide to take control again.

I strongly considered that offer. I mean, she probably wanted to do something nice for the holiday season and needed extra funding. But that meant cutting down costs on my end, and I did want to please my wife for Christmas and New Year. I placed my desires aside and told her I won’t be able to do it. That kind of upset my keyholder, as she later sent me the following image with the caption “You are trapped looser 🖕🏼”

Despite not getting a release, I believe my wife and I had a good time this Christmas. I left our child with my parents for the evening and took my wife out for some Christmas shopping and later to eat dinner. I purposely saved a good chunk of my pay check this month for this occasion and the coming New Years celebration. When we got home, she was totally in the mood to do it. It’s rare times like these when I wish that my wife was still in control of the key. Not just because of the sex, but because of everything related to vanilla sex, like hugging, kissing passionately, and feeling bonded with each other.

I took advantage of her invitation and started making out with her for a few minutes. I then used my fingers to start her off before she looked at me, knowing what she wanted but understanding it was not possible. She smiled and pushed my head down, and the rest was her pleasure and my suffering.

It might sound special, but that last part is how my wife and I have been doing it since I got locked up. My tongue always gets the action down there, but I don’t often get to actually kiss my wife on her lips, so in a way, this Christmas was quite special for me as well.

I guess the reality of long term chastity, at least for me, is that you don’t get any pleasure or excitement from what you cannot have (physical interaction), but you get really excited from seeing and knowing what cannot have (visual). Walking with my wife outside and seeing all those couples and young people, knowing that they are probably going to do it, and then looking at my beautiful wife and knowing that I’m unable to do it, even if she wants it and it’s right there in front of me, makes me enter in a very euphoric state of excitement that would only be possible when not being in control of my own manhood. If the key was around, it would not be as exiting.

Still, having someone that isn’t really that emotionally attached to you control your orgasms can be quite scary and exiting at the same time. I hope I didn’t make my keyholder too upset… or at least I hope she gives me a fairer chance at freedom the next time… if she feels like there is a next time anytime soon.

If there isn’t something as arousing as paying someone to keep you from having sex your wife, especially another woman, than I don’t know what is. Happy holidays everyone!

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